Saturday, March 3, 2012

Samuel's 1 month update

I really can't believe it's already been (over) a month since Sam was born. Actually, today is his five-week birthday. He seems much less "breakable" these days but is still pretty delicate and often confusing as to what he actually wants. I'm squeezing in this post while he takes a probably way too short nap, so I'm going to give you just give a quick rundown rather than wax poetic about how wonderful he is (he's the best baby ever made) and how much we love him (we adore every little grunt, half-smile, and poopy diaper) because that could take me hours!

Weight: 10 pounds, 2 ounces (90th percentile)

Height: 22.5 inches long (95th percentile).

Clothes: Can wear some newborn clothes (he's too long for footies but can wear NB gowns still) and 0-3 month sizes

Diapers: Wears size 1 in disposables. Tried the cloth diapers once but they seemed too big and when I washed it, it was really stained. I decided to hold off for a little while longer.

Likes:  music (all kinds), singing, sound machine for sleeping, kisses, his hands, his changing table by the window, baths, his black and white pattern board, pacifiers, having his hair brushed, sound of running water, and laying in his crib to watch his mobile

Love to play with my hands
Dislikes: Sleeping in his crib, not being fed IMMEDIATELY when he wakes and is hungry, gas in his belly, his swing (hates it when he's awake but he likes it ok when he's swaddled and sleepy), falling asleep for naps
This face means "pick me up and give me my pacifier NOW"

Nicknames: Sam, Fox, Mr. Balloon Hands, Little One/Little Man, Lovebug

Songs: You are my sunshine, Jesus loves me, ABCs, and Come thou fount of every blessing. I am pretty sure that he recognizes these four songs and smiles sometimes when I sing them!
Music time with dad

Favorites: Seeing him smile when we kiss him or sing to him.  The laugh he does in his sleep (seriously adorable). Taking naps together with his warm little body curled up on my chest. His super fine baby hair and the way he smells after a bath.

The best!
Highlights of the month: His birth, obviously. First smiles. Holding his head up like a champ - his mouth opens like he's saying "whoooaaaa look at me!" And the night that he slept for 5 hours straight without feeding was glorious. Too bad it only happened once!

We are completely enamored with our little lovebug and love him to pieces. Happy one-month birthday Sam!
Team Hiller (not pictured: Otis)


  1. You all look great! Hope the sleeping gets better! Happy Early Birthday! Miss you!

  2. HA! "Mr Balloon Hands"...did that come from the Ronimal? Happy 1 month bday Samuel Fox!!!
