Oops - I just discovered this post, written on June 10. I meant to finish it and include pictures, but (obviously) did not get around to it. We'll just call this the 4.5 month post:
Well quite a bit has happened in baby-years since my last post on April 4.
Major events: Discovered dairy and soy allergy. I went back to work. I had surgery. We traveled to Florida and Tennessee. I got sick. David got sick. Samuel got sick.
Meanwhile, the developmental milestones continued like crazy! Sam learned how to reliably roll over from back to front, reach for and grasp items, play peek-a-boo, laugh, squeal with delight, and observe all sorts of things that escaped his notice before, like Dad's voice in another room when we're trying to nurse, or Otis moving around the room. He will also scoot forward toward a goal (or sometimes backward by accident).
Somehow despite multiple challenges I have managed to continue breastfeeding and it's going really well! I plan to continue as long as possible and would love to not have to give Samuel formula at all.